Last updated: 13 February 2020

Traveling to Japan as a tourist? Here’s our latest visa application guide with the LIST OF JAPAN VISA REQUIREMENTS and STEP-BY-STEP APPLICATION PROCESS. We added a detailed guide on HOW TO FILL OUT JAPAN VISA APPLICATION FORM. And as a bonus, we also answered some frequently asked questions. Note that this is for those applying as tourists.


Geographically Japan isn’t too far from the Philippines, and a good number of airlines fly to its major cities from Manila. Most Filipinos, however, feel that this amazing East Asian country is far more distant than it actually is. One reason is the visa requirement.

Visas are always a major hurdle for many Filipino travelers. One look at the list of requirements and some already feel intimidated by it. I felt exactly the same when I was new in the travel scene. But over the past few years, the Japanese Embassy has been more forgiving when it comes to visa applications.

Today, getting a Japanese visa is actually quite easy. Here’s a quick step-by-step chronicling of how I got mine.

Important! This visa guide is for those applying for a JAPAN TOURIST VISA (with and without sponsor or guarantor), meaning you will be staying in a hotel and you’re not visiting anyone in Japan. If you’re traveling to visit a friend or relative in Japan, we have a separate post for that. Read: Japan Visa Requirements for Visiting Friends or Relatives

japan multiple entry visa



1. Philippine passport

  • Must have a signature. In new 10-year passports, you’ll find the signature line on page 3 (the page opposite the bio page), just below the big Philippine flag image. In older e-passports, the signature is digitally encoded on the actual bio page.
  • Must have at least 2 blank pages. The Japanese embassy attaches a sticker to a page on your passport. Then the Japanese immigration adds an entry sticker on another page upon arrival.
  • Must have at least 6 months validity. The standard immigration practice is to reject passports with validity shorter than 6 months. In cases like these, you will not be allowed to exit the Philippines or enter Japan.
  • Must be in good condition. Broken and unreadable passports are not accepted.

2. A duly accomplished visa application form.

  • You mayย download it fromย here.
  • Handwritten and computerized are both accepted.
  • Don’t leave any field blank. If a field is not applicable to you, write N/A.
  • Print the form on an A4-size paper. Other sizes will be rejected. No, legal (long) and letter (short) sizes are not allowed. Only A4.
  • Use a black pen or font. Do not use pencil or one of those erasable pens.
  • Avoid erasures. If it canโ€™t be helped, use double line (2 strikethroughs). If there are too many erasures, start over. Never ever use correction tape or liquid.
  • If you need help accomplishing the form, we have a guide in another section below.

3. ID picture

  • Size: 4.5cm x 3.5 cm
  • White background
  • Must have been taken within the past 6 months.
  • Write your name and birthdate on the back side.
  • Paste it on the designated area on the application form. DO NOT STAPLE.

4. Birth certificate from PSA

  • Must be issued within the past one year from PSA Main Office or Serbilis Outlet Center (Nationwide). NO, certificates older than one year are NOT ACCEPTED.
  • If the birth certificate is marked LATE REGISTRATION, you must also submit Baptismal certificate, School Record (Form 137), and School Yearbook (if applicable). The address of the church or school must be indicated in the documents.

5. Marriage certificate from PSA

  • Only if you’re married. If you’re single, ignore this one.
  • Must be issued within the past one year from PSA Main Office or Serbilis Outlet Center (Nationwide).

6. Daily schedule in Japan

  • This is your daily itinerary in Japan.
  • Download the format here.
  • Must be printed on an A4-size paper.
  • It doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s what mine looked like: Sample Japan Itinerary

7. Accomplished list of Visa Applicants

  • Only if traveling as family/group. If you’re applying alone, no need to submit this.
  • You must have a REPRESENTATIVE APPLICANT, who will be the key person in your application. For example, if you’re applying as a family, one of the parents can be the representative. If one of the applicants/travelers will be sponsoring the rest of the group, that person can also be the representative.
  • In the โ€œrelationship with the inviting person and guarantorโ€ field, write N/A if you’re applying as a tourist. Fill this in only if you’re visiting friends or relatives in Japan.
  • You can download the form here.
  • Must be printed on an A4-size paper.

In addition, you also need to provide the following financial and employment documents. There is a separate set of requirements for those with guarantor from those who will shoulder their own expenses.

Additional Requirements if WITHOUT Guarantor

If you will shoulder part or all of your travel expenses, you must provide the following:

  1. Income tax return (ITR Form 2316). They need a clear photocopy of it.
  2. Bank certificate.ย Must be issued within the past 3 months. I’m not sure if they require a receipt, but I submitted the receipt too. To be safe, when you get your bank certificate, ask for a receipt too. There’s no telling how big a fund is “enough” to get approved, but (in case you’re wondering) my account had only a bit north of P100,000. I planned on staying for a week. I didn’t encounter any problem.

Although a Certificate of Employment is no longer on the list of requirements, we still recommend that you provide one showing your start date, salary, and contact persons, especially if you have an irregular ITR (not covering the complete year or issued by your previous employer).

If for some reason, you can’t provide a specific document, you may write a letter explaining why you can’t and submit supporting documents instead. For example, if you don’t have a current ITR because you’re new at your job or you’re working abroad, you can provide copies of invoice or payslip or other tax forms. That’s what I did in one of my applications and they accepted it.

Additional Requirements if WITH Guarantor

If a guarantor will sponsor your trip, you will need to provide the following additional documents. Note that this only applies if the guarantor lives in the Philippines:

  1. Guarantee Letter. Must explain your guarantor’s relationship to you and their contact details.
  2. Proof of relationship between applicant and guarantor. For example, if the guarantor is a parent or a close relative, submit their birth certificate too.
  3. Bank Certificate (original) of the Guarantor
  4. Photocopy of the Income Tax Return (ITR Form 2316) of the Guarantor

Again, documents to be printed out must be done on an A4-size paper. Other sizes will not be accepted.

All birth certificates must be issued within the past year by PSA Main Office or Serbilis Center.

Update: NCov Questionnaire / Form

On 3 February 2020, the Japanese Embassy in Manila announced that visa applicants must answer and submit an additional questionnaire in accordance to the Japanese government’s decision to impose restrictions on travelers who have recently visited areas heavily affected by COVID-19.

All applicants must accomplish and submit this form, in addition to the other requirements.



  1. Complete the requirements, as listed above.
  2. Find an accredited travel agency. Except very special cases, the Japanese Embassy doesn’t accept direct applications. They must be coursed through any of their accredited agencies. You will find their very limited list of accredited agencies right here.
  3. Submit the documents. Go to your chosen travel agency in the morning or as early as you can. These days, Japan travel is so popular, queues can be so long it can sometimes eat up your entire day.
  4. Pay the Processing Fee. In reality, the visa is FREE, but the agency will charge a processing fee. The rates vary, but it’s usually between P800 – P1600 depending on the agency.
  5. Wait for your visa. After you have submitted everything to the travel agency, there’s nothing left to do but to wait and hope for the best. If they encounter any problem (e.g. additional requirements), they will let you know. Thus, you must apply not so close to your date of travel. Visa processing normally takes 3-5 days, but sometimes up to 7 working days. For others, it takes weeks. The first time I applied, I received my visa 5 days later. The second time, it took them only 2 days.

Depending on your arrangement with the agency, your passport with the visa (if approved) either will be mailed to you or must be claimed at their office.

That’s pretty much everything! Good luck and enjoy the Land of the Rising Sun!


We get a lot of questions about the various sections of the application form so we decided to make this guide to help you accomplish it without problem.

Before anything else, take note of these general guidelines:

  • THESE SAMPLES ARE FOR TOURISTS. This won’t apply if you’re visiting a relative or a friend. Check this out instead: Japan Visa for Visiting Friends/Relatives.
  • Print the application form on an A4 paper only. Other sizes are not accepted.
  • Fill out the form either digitally or by hand. Both computerized (typewritten) and handwritten are accepted. But for handwritten forms, make sure that you write in block letters and that they are readable.
  • Use a black pen. Do not use erasable pens or pencils! Likewise, if you fill it out digitally, use black font.
  • Don’t use correction tape or liquid. Try to avoid any erasure. If something needs to be corrected, use double line (2 strikethroughs). If there are too many erasures, best to start all over with a fresh blank form.
  • Don’t leave any field blank. If the item or question doesn’t apply to you, write NA or N/A, which is short for Not Applicable.
  • Do not staple the form! The agency will most likely remove them too.

Now that we have those out of the way, let’s take a closer look at the form. You’ll see that the form is quite short and straightforward. It only has two pages.

For the purpose of this post, I’m accomplishing the form using big blue letters just to highlight my answers. But please use BLACK for your application to make it neater and more professional.

  1. Given and middle names: Write both your given name AND your middle name (your mom’s last name).
  2. Other names: If you have a nickname, write it down. But I just write N/A all the time.
  3. Place of birth: Most questions we get about this part are from those born in Metro Manila. They ask what to put if they have no province. If it’s in Metro Manila, write Metro Manila. For example, if you were born in Mandaluyong, write: Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines.
  4. Former and/or other nationalities or citizenships: Write N/A if it doesn’t apply to you.
  5. ID No. issued to you by your government: You can write down any government-issued ID here like Driver’s License, SSS ID, or UMID. A few times, I wrote the passport number here too, I didn’t have any problem.
  6. Passport type: Ordinary
  7. Passport number: Make sure it’s correct.
  8. Place of issue: You can write the city name. In the case of Manila, you can write MANILA. You can also be specific. I usually write DFA NCR EAST, because that’s what’s on my passport.
  9. Issuing authority: DFA.
  10. Purpose of visit to Japan: Tourism. (If you’re visiting a friend or family, write VISIT FRIEND/FAMILY.)
  11. Intended length of stay in Japan: Number of days including the day of arrival.
  12. Port of entry into Japan: Name of the airport. It can be Kansai, Narita, Chitose, etc.
  13. Name of ship or airline: Just the name of the airline or the ship. It doesn’t matter if you’re already booked or not.
  14. Names and addresses of hotels or persons with whom applicant intends to stay: If you’re traveling as a tourist, write down the name, address and telephone number of your hotel. If you don’t know the exact address or telephone number of your hotel, Google it!
  15. Dates and duration of previous stays in Japan. Write N/A if it’s your first time in Japan. If you’ve been to Japan before write the inclusive dates of your previous visits and the number of days. If you’ve been to Japan many times and it won’t fit, use a separate sheet and indicate it on the form.
  16. Your current residential address: If you have more than one address, list them all on a separate sheet.
  17. Telephone number: If you don’t have a landline number, write N/A.
  18. Current profession or occupation and position: Be truthful! If your current occupation or position doesn’t match the ITR you’re submitting (for example, you moved to another company), you can write a letter explaining it.
  19. Partner’s profession/occupation: If you’re single and of legal age, write N/A. If you’re married, write the profession of your partner. If for a minor, write the profession or occupation of parents.
  20. Guarantor/Inviter Info: Since you’re applying for a TOURIST VISA, just write N/A in all the fields.
  21. If you answered โ€œYesโ€ to any of the above questions, please provide relevant details: If you answered NO to all the questions, write N/A.
  22. Signature: Sign it by hand. I’m not sure if digital signatures are accepted, but I doubt it. If the applicant is minor, a parent or legal guardian can sign, but the relationship must be indicated below the signature.


I’m visiting a friend or relative. Is the process the same?

No, there is a separate set of requirements for those visiting a relative or friend. You’ll find the list of requirements and the application process here: JAPAN VISIT VISA REQUIREMENTS.

I was issued a Japan visa before. I just want to renew. What’s the process?

Still the same. The only difference is you don’t need to submit a birth certificate and marriage certificate. But you will need to submit the passport with your old visas.

Can I apply for a multiple-entry Japan visa?

The following can apply for a multiple-entry Japan visa:

  • A person who has travelled to Japan as temporary visitor within the last three years AND has sufficient financial capability to support their trip.
  • A person who has travelled to Japan as temporary visitor within the last three years AND has travelled as temporary visitor to G7 countries (excluding Japan) several times within the last three years. The other G7 countries are: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (USA).
  • A person who has high financial capacity (but has not been to Japan in the past 3 years). The keywords here are HIGH FINANCIAL CAPACITY.
  • Immediate family member (Spouse/Child) of a person who has high financial capacity.

HOWEVER, if it’s your first time to visit Japan, it’s generally safer to apply for a SINGLE-ENTRY VISA for higher chances of approval.


How to apply for a multiple-entry Japan visa? What are the requirements?

We also have a dedicated post for that. You’ll find that here: Multiple-Entry Japan Visa

Do I need a travel agency to apply?

Yes. Unless it’s a special case, all visa applications must be coursed through any of their accredited travel agencies.

Here’s the complete list of officially accredited travel agencies: Japan Visa Travel Agencies.

Do I need to book flights and hotel before applying?

No. It’s not a requirement. However, on the application form, you will have to write down the specific AIRLINE and HOTEL ADDRESS you wish to book (or have booked).

Some travel agencies accept flight itinerary if the applicant is already booked for better chances. Some don’t. In general, it is not a requirement. If you haven’t booked flights yet, don’t. Get a visa first.

How long is the validity of the visa?

Single-entry tourist visas are valid for 90 days upon issue and will usually allow you to stay for no longer than 15 days. So for example, your visa is issued on January 1, you can enter Japan any time between January 1 and March 31, but once you enter, you can stay for only 15 days maximum.

Multiple-entry visas will usually allow you to stay for up to 15 or 30 days, depending on what is given to you. But it’s usually valid for 3 or 5 years. Meaning, you can visit multiple times within 3 or 5 years since the issue date, but every stay must not be longer than 15 or 30 days.

How long does it take to process Japan visa application?

7 working days, if you ask the agencies. That’s their default answer.

In reality, it varies. My first time, 5 working days. Second time, 2 days. Then on my third and fourth times, 7 days and 2 days respectively.

I know people who have waited weeks for theirs. Pretty hard to tell.

How early can I apply for a Japan visa?

As mentioned, the standard single-entry visa is valid for 90 days since issue date, so you can apply as early as 3 months before your travel date. But “3 months before” would be cutting it too close to expiry date. I personally prefer applying 1-2 months before my travel date.

Can I apply 1 week before the travel date?

That’s too close for comfort. Although there are times when results are released only 2 or 3 days after application, for others it can take weeks. Best to apply 1-2 months before.

Some agencies also refuse to accept applications that are too close to the travel date. For example, Reli Tours at SM Megamall has a 7-working-days policy. If the flight is scheduled sooner than 7 working days at the time of submission, they will NOT accept your application. It happened to a relative whom I accompanied at the agency. They turned us away and asked that we apply at another agency instead.

I’m not sure if other travel agencies have the same policy. Call them first if your trip is urgent.

How much money should I have in the bank to get approved?

The Embassy doesn’t explicitly say how much money you should have in the bank. The amount isn’t the only factor. It’s probably on a case-by-case basis.

I have applied for a 15-day stay with only P100,000+ in the bank and my application got approved.

A friend of mine applied for a 5-day stay with only P50,000 and got approved. She has a full-time job.

Another friend applied for a 5-day stay with over P200,000 and got denied. She doesn’t have a regular job.

I think the rule of thumb is: how much savings you have should be proportional to how long your stay is. For example, if you have only P50,000, don’t apply for a 15-day stay because that would obviously raise a lot of questions regarding whether or not you can afford the trip.

Also, I think the Embassy is more concerned about whether or not you have a compelling reason to return to the Philippines, which is why they scrutinize your employment status and travel history.

I am tax-exempt. Do I need to submit an ITR?

You should still have an ITR even if you’re tax-exempt.

Since 2018, workers earning below P250,000 a year (P21,000 a month) are exempted from paying income taxes. But that doesn’t mean it exempts you from having an ITR. If you’re an employee, you can still get a copy of your ITR from your employer even if you’re tax-exempt.

I don’t have an ITR. What can I do?

You need to submit the following:

  • A letter explaining why you can’t submit an ITR.
  • Other proof of income or employment.

I was able to try applying without a recent ITR during my last visa application. I wrote a letter explaining that I wouldn’t be able to submit my latest ITR because I recently shifted to becoming an entrepreneur and I won’t have a copy of my ITR until the end of the year. I then added that I’m submitting a copy of my ITR for the previous year together with COE from my clients and my business registration docs.

Another workaround is to find a guarantor.

Is Certificate of Employment needed to get a Japan visa?

Technically, no. Certificate of Employment is no longer a requirement.

BUT — and it’s a big but — it’s always a good idea to provide one because it shows your financial capability, stability, and rootedness.

So I strongly recommend that you submit one.

I’m a freelancer. I don’t have a Certificate of Employment. What can I do?

You can try to get a letter from your clients indicating what you do for them, how long you’ve been working for them, and how much salary you get. This will help your application.

I was a freelancer before so I’ve done this and my Japan visa application got approved.

Here’s the format I followed.

Sample Certificate Employment PDF


I have a guarantor. Do I still have to submit my own bank documents?

NO need. Just submit your guarantor’s bank documents, guarantee letter, and other documents listed above.

I don’t have a bank account. Can I still apply for a Japan visa?

Yes, just find a guarantor. This way, you won’t need to submit your own, just submit your guarantor’s bank documents. For better chances, find a guarantor who is an immediate relative. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time convincing the embassy why your guarantor is willing to sponsor your trip. It’s still possible, but chances are lower.

Check out the list of requirements above for those applying with a guarantor.

Note, however, that you will still be assessed based on other criteria like employment and travel history.

Can my boyfriend or girlfriend sponsor my trip?

You can try, but no guarantees. If you want better chances of approval, an immediate family member is best to sponsor you. A parents or sibling is most ideal. You will have to submit proof of relationship, which is hard to establish if you’re not married to your sponsor or not an immediate family member.

Note that even if your trip is sponsored by someone else, you still need to provide your own bank and employment documents on top of your sponsor’s.

Can I submit a birth certificate issued more than a year ago?

NO. The birth certificate MUST be issued within the past year. You cannot fake your way around it. The issue date is printed at the bottom of the birth certificate so both the agency and the embassy can easily figure out how old your copy is.

Is personal appearance required for a Japan visa?

YES and NO. It depends on a lot of things: which travel agency you’re applying at, how you’re applying, and what your background is.

For example, based on my experience, Reli Tours and Friendship Tours require personal appearance for walk-in applicants. I have tried applying for my cousin at Reli Tours SM Megamall and they won’t accept the application. Our accountant also tried applying for my mom at Friendship Tours at Dusit Thani Makati but she was told that my mom had to be there in person. She was also told that we could just mail the application if personal appearance was not feasible.

However, on a separate occasion, my cousin was allowed to apply for my niece (a minor) at Reli Tours Southmall even when the kid wasn’t with her. It might be because of two things: because my niece was a minor and because they were traveling together (group).

I’m not sure if it’s the same for all travel agencies or for all branches. IF some of them allow it, make sure you have a signed authorization letter, ID of the applicant, ID of the representative, and proof of your relationship with them.

Best to just call your chosen travel agency to be sure.

Should the application form be typewritten/computerized or handwritten?

Either is okay. I’ve tried applying with both. No problem.

If the question doesn’t apply to me, should I write N/A or just leave it blank?

Put N/A.

It confuses applicants because Japan and Korea have different policies, and most designated agencies process both Japan and Korean visas.

But here’s the generally accepted practice: For Japan Visa form, write N/A. For Korean Visa form, leave it blank.

What are the common reasons why Japan visa applications are denied?

I can only speculate, but based on the messages we receive from our followers, the usual reasons are the following:

  • You canโ€™t prove that you can financially support yourself on this trip. You probably have insufficient funds or your guarantor is not in a good financial standing.
  • You canโ€™t prove that you intend to return (rootedness). You probably donโ€™t have a stable job at this point, unemployed, newly employed, or newly resigned, and itโ€™s giving the impression that you intend to work there.
  • Your intention/purpose in Japan is unclear. This is why it is best to be specific when youโ€™re detailing the reasons for your visit.

I plan to submit documents X, Y and Z, and I have been to other countries before. Will my application be approved?

I can’t say. It’s hard to tell. It’s based on a gazillion factors. And even if you send me all the docs you plan to submit, everything we say will still be nothing more than a wild guess. No one and nothing can guarantee approval. At the end of the day, it is completely up to the visa officer evaluating your application. Some are very strict; some are not so much.

I have a friend who has a stellar travel history, lots of money in her bank account, and stable job, but she was denied a visa regardless.

More Japan FAQs


Although there is a big chance you won’t need to pay a visit, here’s the address of the Japanese Embassy in Manila. You will need this address for the bank certificate.

Embassy of Japan
2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, 1300
Contact No. +63-2-551-5710

osaka kyoto travel guide

Updates Log

2020 February 3 – Added the new questionnaire (related to Hubei Province) to the list of requirements
2020 February 13 – Replaced the NCOV questionnaire with a new version that includes Zhejiang Province.

Visit Terms page for reminders
Yosh Dimen
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Quick question. I dont put much money in the bank, I put them in stocks and investment funds. Would the post a problem?


As Anony said in another comment, provide original documentation of your assets. And don’t forget your ITR and Certificate of Employment. :)

Mrs. Q

Hi! Im a housewife and my sister in sweden like to take me to travel in japan all expenses on her.. I don’t have an ITR.. Any suggestions on how can I apply a japan visa.. Thank you


Question, as per the FAQ I can get a letter from my freelancing clients but I still don’t have an ITR. Well I do have a number but not able to pay as the freelancing is not a regular thing. Let’s say project based work. Would that be a problem?


Do you need to book a hotel and a roundtrip flight before applying for your visa?


Nope! But you need to know which flight you’re planning to take and which hotel you plan to stay. :)

Navy wife

hi, I’m reading all the comments here. I’m planning to apply for a visa. but my situation is quite different with any of the comments here. my husband is as Navy based in the US. right now he is staying in japan until Nov. I cant apply for a tourist visa because im no longer working so I cant present an ITR. but I can provide bank certificate and I have travelled other Asian countries before. you also mentioned that I can apply for the visa even without getting a roundtrip flight? My husband is based in Misawa and tickets are quite pricey. so it was kinda relief to know that I can apply without a ticket. is that right? do you have suggestions on how I can go through this visa application? any information will be very helpful. thanks in advance


Jp just provide original documentation of your assets and im sure that would help as opposed to providing nothing. Your ITR and certificate of employment from a credible company will also go a long way. Also a history of travel will help


Thanks for the really helpful post! I’m Japanese but born in Canada, living in Manila with my girlfriend. I want to bring her there so bad but we thought it was hopeless with all the procedures. Only hurdle we may have is we’re self-employed (internet marketers/bloggers) so she has no ITR or Employment certificate. Hoping funds in the bank will help. Thanks again though, your outline is helpful and gave us hope to give it a shot!


Hope everything works out fine for you, guys!


I can’t provide ITR but I have employment certificate also I closed my bank account. What should I do?


Hmmm, I honestly do not know how to go about this, but I heard no visas will be needed starting June (not sure). So there’s that…

Edna Perillo

Can i ask something what if the reason why i need to be there in japan is to take care of my niece because my elder sister is working for how many hours…so she really needs someone who can take care of her daughter…that’s why she really wanted me to be there…


I was reading your blog and others an hour before I received a message from Reli tours, asking me to come over and pick up my passport. I was granted a Japanese single-entry tourist visa! yay!!

I know exactly how the others felt. I thought I didn’t have enough funds. I just have around 11x, xxx in the bank and I’m going to Osaka and Kyoto for 12 days. I thought there was no chance.

I’ve only been with my current company for a little over a year but I have all the requirements. COE, ITR, leave of absence, round-trip tickets, hostel reservations from hostelbookers, birth certificate, bank certificate and itinerary. I spent a lot of time on the fake itinerary and made sure it will not exceed my budget for sightseeing. I even had a walking itinerary. It has the amount I’m going to spend at each tourist destination like entrance fees and stuff. It’s fake since I won’t be following any of it. I’m going with my boyfriend and we planned to do other things like whitewater rafting, canyoning and hiking since we are both adventurous. But he’s a privileged one for having an Australian passport.

Prior to this trip, I went to Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Hong Kong. I started going out of the country since March. Then, sort of became a monthly thing. I was making ipon of the stamps. Too bad HK don’t stamp the passports anymore.

Anyways, I submitted my application last Thursday. the visa was granted on Friday and I received my passport today, Tuesday. To those who are reluctant, if you have all the documents, there’s no reason to get denied. Best of Luck!



Good day… is it possible po ba na aabot ng almost 2 months ang processing ni japan visa… kasi sa pamangkin ko nag submit kami sa agency ng requirements noon feb 26, 2019… hanggang ngayon wala parin feedback…

Brian M.

hi, i hope you will delete the part that you made a fake itin because if Japan Embassy reads this. they might impose stricter rules again for visa application next time. they don’t like cheating


Hi Brian M. As I explained, the only reason why I said it was fake was because I didn’t really follow it. But it’s as good of an itinerary as any other ones presented in the Embassy, if not better. If you have done a lot of travelling, you will know that you would be required for an itinerary when submitting a visa application, not all the time but most of the time. That does not necessarily mean that you have to follow everything in the itinerary as plans change all the time.
I am quite happy with the itinerary that I made as I put a lot of effort into it. You can see for yourself.

What I didn’t include in this itinerary was that I went to the Awa Odori festival in Tokushima, stayed in a ryokan in Kyoto, stayed in another ryokan with the monks in Daiein Temple in Koyasan, my trip to Hiroshima as well as the island Miyajima. You cannot say it’s cheating as we are not bound by an itinerary.


Sorry, but I hate the “fake itinerary”. It sounded very unprofessional. I guess the proper term is “pseudo”.


clearly, you are inexperienced. what’s the difference of pseudo and fake? LOL. exactly. quit yapping around and start travelling

Maureenele Nepomuceno Lago

Hello wanderlustre! I got my reg tourist visa and flight ko na sa Sat. worry ko lang kasi yung itinerary ko sa Osaka and sa hotel ako magstay (Visa application then approved) but truth is I will stay at my friend’s house. Okay lang ba yun?

Champ wanders

Same here wanderlustre! Got my visa after 2 days (submitted on friday morning, got a call on monday afternooon that my visa application was approved, and went to the travel agency on tuesday to get my passport). I had Friendship tours in 2F Dusit Thani Hotel assisted me on the visa processing.


how about for working visa? after po ba na approve, what is the next process?


Hi wanderlustre! Where did you lodged your application? It only took them 1 day to process the visa? So fast!!! Awesome!!


I have a question please if your documents is ready to submit are u the one that will come by your self and submit it or the person that is running it for you will submit it??

Janine Tuason

Question, I do not have much money on my bank account but I will be going with my parents and will be the one financing the trip, do I have a low chance of getting my visa approved?


[…]ย –ย This blog can provide you tips on how to increase your chances of having that Japan visa application approved. I think the blogger already stopped responding to visa related queries, but if you will browse through its long comment thread, you will likely get the answers that you need […]


Hi, do i really need a round trip ticket first and hotel reservation before I apply for a visa?

Ruby D

No need. :)

champ wanders

Your site made my Japan visa application preparation and itinerary planning easy and more efficient. I’ll send some additional tips to make everyone’s travel planning easier.

Just came back from my Tokyo trip and I had hella fun. Thank you!

Next stop: Seoul, South Korea and Osaka, Japan. Currently reading your entries about these places.



We are in the process of completing our requirements for the visa. We just found out though that I have two registrations with NSO under two completely different names so I’m unable to get the birth certificate that matches my passport and all my ids etc. We are not aware of the first registration which has me carrying the name of my absentee father hence all my life i carried another name and my mom’s surname (I’m proud to say I was raised by a single mom). We’ve consulted a lawyer already, and I will need to have the first registration canceled which takes about a year since it’ll need to thru the courts. Since our trip is in November already, here are the items I plan to submit:

– passport

– birth certificate from NSO dated 2011 with receipt (late registered – I was born 1983 and was late registered 1988).

– school form 137

– baptismal certificate

– all govt ids, etc that will show that I did not use any other name in my lifetime .

– letter explaining the reason behind the NSO issue which will hopefully include a petition already to cancel my first registration



– bank certificates (substantial amount from several banks if needed)

– Sunlife MF investment

– Manulife Investment

– Philamlife Investment

– property title

– plane tickets (piso fare, hehe)

Have traveled to several Asian countries already, HK, Sing, Taipei, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, Mumbai, Bangkok and Malaysia.

Any thoughts on the items I plan on submitting? Really worried with the NSO issue, funny enough I can’t seem to find anyone similar to my situation.

We are traveling as a famjly as well, my mom, sister and GF. It’ my graduation gift to my sister who’s graduating in a couple of weeks.

Hope someone can help..

Thank you.


Hi, question lng po pwede po b hindi sundin ung na submit na itinerary at sa application form after ma approved ang visa? Kasi sa application narita pero ngaun kasi we are planning haneda para mas malapit then ung araw 5days we change it to 7days

Thank you in advance


what happened to your application? were you able to push your trip?


Hi, great blog you have here. I really got most of the information that I need but I have one problem though, I don’t have an ITR. I can provide a Certificate of Employment, and the reason why I can’t provide the ITR is because I just joined the company last February and this is my first job since I also graduated last February. Would a bank certificate, itinerary and a COE be enough? I plan to go to Japan on the last week of January for 6 days because I want to catch a concert on those dates.


Hi Destiny08? How’s your visa application? Did it push through even though you don’t have your ITR?

Joseline Alosbaรฑos

Loved reading your piece on how to get a Visa in Japan. One question popped into my mind just now, what if I don’t get a hotel room? I’m planning to get an accommodation via Airbnb instead of a hotel/hostel stay. The reason why I am asking this is that you should include the hotel where you are going to stay.

Jun V Laya Jr.

Will I get a visa if me and my fiance planned to get married in japan? Or are there any possible requirements to get one?


Hi. I would like to ask if an employee, is the BIR Form 2316 required to have a BIR stamped? Because the company i am working with doesn’t give one with bir stamped. Thanks.


Hi! I have a question.. regarding the guarantee letter and invitation letter.. There’s something that says “SEAL” what was that for? because my Fiance is my guarantor and we are not sure what to place there since its not a company who will be helping with my visa.. Can you please help us with this.. thank you!


hi… my biggest concern about going to japan is actually the visa since i am not working right now… with that, i do not have an ITR.. Is there anything that could substitute to an ITR? I read from other blog that she did submit a Certificate of Involvement in a Non-Profit Organization… She got approved…. Since I am not doing any volunteering work, it would be difficult for me to get this certificate… I don’t know if it would matter, but I’ve been to couple of countries already… though most of which are those in the visa on arrival category.. any advice?

Marythel hone

How much show money i prepare for it..? I went there 2007 as tourist i dont know if the requirements before are same of now

Maria Clariza Matute

Hi. I would like to ask. The one will be shouldering my expenses in Japan is my aunt. Though she is leaving here in the Philippines. Can we put it at the visa application form and will they accept if we’ll use her bank certificate instead? Thanks


Hi, i would like to ask what happened to your visa application?


i am married w/ the japanese national since july 30, 2008 but eversince then he never take me to his country… he just coming home here in philippines every after 2yrs.. but as of now he didnt call me for 8months… & id like to go to japan to know how was my husband is…but i dont know how to apply my visa please help me…


[…] I also used other bloggers’ posts as reference. I’ve bookmarked the one byย Adventure Accountingย and the oneย byย The Poor Traveller. […]

Ishii Weber

plane ticket needed before application??

Joanne Mascariรฑas Besmonte

Very helpful! Followed your sample iti when I applied for my visa last year.

Cathrine Jane Dequito

I don’t have ITR because I’m an OFW.. What do I do about that?

Kevin Ibojo

The Poor Traveler.Libre mo ko’

Mae Manuel

Kaka open ko lang ng bank acct and im planning to go in Jpn on march ? Ok lang kaya un ? Wala po ba magiging prob kung bago lang ung bank acct ?

John Vales

Mag asawa kayo ng hapun para magka visa kayo.

Enrico Galve

may isang mali dito, kung wala kang ITR a letter of explanation will suffice bakit wala ka nito

Myrna Mallari Cunanan

I love to go Japan, how much will it cost for 7 days will full accommodation, city tour including food.

Voltaire M. Gumban

Japan is such a nice place to visit! Best for photography! Food is perfect!


[…] more detailed information, check this well-written blogย post. You can also check thisย websiteย for some helpful […]

Edgar Orino

The bottom line is, DO NOT OVERSTAY! Follow the rules and be honest!


Hi. It was very kind of you to share your experience. I am planning on going this year and I woukd like to travel with my sister. So, if you are applying for VISA as a family, you just have to submit all the required documents as one set? So, I can just submit one bank certificate for the two of us? Thanks!


Hi Pam! As far as I know, you need to secure for both of you, unless you’re sponsoring your sister’s trip, in which case you need to secure a second copy of your bank certificate (and indicate in her application form that you are her sponsor).


Hello po, just want to ask po, after po na approve ang working visa to Japan, what is the next step po? kukuha pa po ba ng medical?


Hi.ask lang how long naprocessed ang working visa mo? I submitted mine may2 sa rajah travel agency upto now may 23 wala pdin result… ka ka takot magpamedical baka masayang lang po lase. Ty po

Ang comments pls?


Hi po.. question lang po.guys.. how long po to process working visa to Japan? I submitted mine last may 2 on rajah travel until now may 23 wala pdin resulta? Nag ffollow up n kasi ang employer..
Thank you po sa mga ssagot..


hi, i have a question about the bank cert. i dont have a savings account but i do have cc which has up to 100k limit. will that possibly suffice?

Nicole Lucille Vidal Perez

Hello!โ™ฅ I have a Japanese guarrantor and he invites me to stay in their family house. If I apply for a tourist visa, can I stay longer than the 5 days 4 nights travel package the accredited agencies offer? With tourist visa, we can stay for 15 days right?


yep, 15 days usually.


Hello po I have a question about my NSO birth cert, late registered po ako so meaning I have to provide baptismal cert and form 138? The problem is, I donโ€™t have those docs anymore kasi ilang beses ako nagpalipat ng bahay..

I have a japanese national who will be sponsoring my trip, and I travelled different Asian countries already in the past few years so I guess I will not have a problem with other primary docs anymore except for the NSO thing. Pls. Let me know if there is a chance that the embassy will consider my NSO cert? And aside from that I renewed my passport thrice already and my travel stamps is on those old passports, and I only have Taiwan stamp on my new one, do I need to submit those 2 old passports to prove my travel history?

I hope somebody can help me cuz I am planning to visit Japan this Dec, 2017.

Thank You!


Hello! Can I ask what happened to your birth certificate issue?


You need to get those documents. The agency wont accept your application otherwise.

Lora Jae

Hi po, what if I can’t get ITR since Hindi pa po ako nag tatrabaho, student pa po ako but I have money sa bank so I can provide bank certificate. I have my own small business po kasi kaya ako nakaka pag save. Need po ba anG ITR or my other way?


if may business, as far as I know, you have to submit business permit tska BIR ng business.. if you cannot provide that, might as well don’t mention na lang na you have a business po it will sound like you’re a tax evader po. hope it helps

Martha Kristina Boladas

Hi. Question lang po. If magtravel ako in march, pwede na.po ba ako magsubmit ng application sa January? Thanks


Yep. As far as I know, a single entry visa has a 3-month expiry so pwede, aabot naman. :)


Hi! your post is very useful..but I’m having a different situation here..

I hope you could help me..

Me and my son are full blood Filipino (from Philippines) and we’ve never been to Japan. I’m a single-parent and would like to work in Japan.. I want to bring my son with me there so I can enroll him at a daycare/nursery in Japan while I’m at work. Do you think it’s possible to happen?

I’m really having a hard time finding answers to this problem. :( as well as to what type of visa should me and my son apply for.

Initially, my plan is to apply for a tourist visa for both of us and find a job in Japan that can sponsor a work visa for me. The thing is, what would my son’s visa would be if mine would change to work visa? does enrolling him to a nursery will help him get a different kind of visa too?

my mom who is in USA is the one who would give me all the financial support until we can finally settle-down in Japan. She would get an Affidavit of Consent and Support for me and my son stating that she would shoulder all the expenses that we need.

therefore, the requirements such as bank statement (under my name), My own Income Tax Return and my Certificate of Employment will not be needed anymore.. that’s what I think of since I haven’t had a job since I got pregnant up until now that my son is already 1y.o. I’ve been a full-time mom.. but is that correct? Does my mom have to show an American bank statement? How should she provide me the money we need? Via bank or what?

My bestfriend who is a half Japanese lives in Japan, do you think she can do some help for me and my son too?

Thank you! any advise would be very much appreciated!!


hi mikka what happen toyour application?since we have the sme situation.thanks


Me and my friends are planning on going to japan this december, yet i’m the only one who’s unemployed since i’m helping my mom in our business. I don’t have ITR but i have a savings account since my mom put my name in her account. What alternative can i give for the itr?
I have investments(stocks) but it’s still there (not going to touch/sell it yet since peso is down).
I’m also a partly owner of a newly build business.
I’ve been to singapore and SoKor.
Would it help in getting a Japan visa?


Business registration docs and investment certificates would definitely help. :)


hi i am applying for a visa in Japan,but the new philippine passport has no signature on it..will it bring problem to the issuance of my visa?thank u


Hi there :-) my japanese husband lives with me here in Philippines, with our 10 year old son, we’re already married for 10 years, and now i decided to separate with him because of marital problems.
My visa in japan already expires last 2013, and I’m planning to go back there and live with my son, is it possible for me to get a visa under my son’s name?


Hi, I’m planning to apply for a tourist visa to Japan with a guarantor. Is submitting photos optional? Di pa kasi kami nag meet in person but we’ve known each other for over a year na. Is it okay not to submit photos to prove relationship?


Hi. Im applying a tourist visa for the 2nd time and im not sure if the japan embassy will issue me again a visa due to lack of supporting documents. The 1st time i applied I was enrolled, I gave them my certificate of enrolment ID COM. They gave me 3mos visa. My visa expired last feb. Now, im not yet enrolled, school wont start til august. And I cant provide certificate of enrollment or ID COM. Should there be any concerns?

Daniela medala

Hi.. Thank u for your blog.. And now i wanted to know if what category am i.. I have a live in partner and we have a kids.. He has a mother living in japan.. And we decided to visit her mother this sept or october all of us.. So i dont know if i am consider as a close relative because we are not yet married .. Thank u for ur answer in advnce


hi good morning is it possible to get japan visa if someone have Nbi hit.looking forward for the reply thanks


Hi. Good morning everyone!
Is it possible that me & my husband are able to get Japan Visa. We’re both OFW here in PNG. We already have our return plane ticket. Actually, we’re planning to take our vacation on December for only 3days. We booked our ticket from PNG to Tokyo and Tokyo to Cebu. BUT, our problem is…We have those passport with existing working visa in PNG but bearing my family name when i was single (not yet change into my husband’s surname). We just got our marriage certificate last month. By the way, just got married last January 2017 that’s why our current passport and working visa as is when we’re both single. Do we need to declare that we’re married since we have our NSO-marriage certificate on hand or retain single base on our passport. Anyone same problem with us? Looking forward for reply. Salamat ng marami in advance….God bless


Hello Sihn, Did you get an answer to your question? I’m currently in the same situation and about to submit my visa application. My husband and I are travelling together, we recently got married with Marriage Certificate on hand but our passport and ITR still says “single”. Also I’m still under my single surname in all my documents. I’d love to know what you did :) Thanks in advance!


Hi, I’m planning a Japan tour for our family of four next year – at what point do I apply for a Japanese visa? How long is the before a visa granted expires? Hubby is an OFW in Middle East & we don’t know yet when he’ll be granted a vacation. He’ll only be able to apply for a visa when he’s here. Thanks!


Oops, typo error….I mean ” how long does a visa granted effective before it expires?”


Thank you The Poor Traveler! This website is very helpful! I got my Japanese Visa in 2 days time… Lodged it on the 28th of August and got it the next day! :)


Your blog was one of the many that I’ve read when before I applied for my Japan tourist visa. Very helpful and detailed. Got mine last Sept 28. Yey! So excited to visit Japan during Autumn. :-)


Hello po I have a question about my NSO birth cert, late registered po ako so meaning I have to provide baptismal cert and form 138? The problem is, I donโ€™t have those docs anymore kasi ilang beses ako nagpalipat ng bahay..

I have a japanese national who will be sponsoring my trip, and I travelled different Asian countries already in the past few years so I guess I will not have a problem with other primary docs anymore except for the NSO thing. Pls. Let me know if there is a chance that the embassy will consider my NSO cert? And aside from that I renewed my passport thrice already and my travel stamps is on those old passports, and I only have Taiwan stamp on my new one, do I need to submit those 2 old passports to prove my travel history?

I hope somebody can help me cuz I am planning to visit Japan this Dec, 2017.

Thank You!


for the Birth Certificate it says there that you ‘must’ submit the following documents (baptismal and form 138) so i guess, these are badly required.

To heighten the probability of approval, much better if you’ll include your 2 expired passports.


Hi, do you have an idea if they look through credit card debt of an applicant? Not past due though and being paid monthly.

Nette nepomuceno

Do i have to buy our tickets to the agency that will process our visa.


Hi Yoshke, thanks for this blog. One question, you mentioned :Birth certificate from NSO. Must be issued within the past one year.:

I have an NSO Birth Certificate that was issued like 8 years ago, so I need to request another one?

Thank you!


Thank you so much guys, your articles helped me a lot! Please allow me to contribute too for those who are also dreaming of visiting Japan?

Applied for Japan visa on Sept 25 (Mon) at Reli Megamall, by Sept 29 (Fri) got a text message that the passports are ready for pick-up. By Sunday, we picked up our Japan Visa. Yay!!!
(price increased from 900 to 950)
We were there on a Monday at 10am. Nagkaproblema lang kasi yung 2 shops for ID picture sa magkabilaang dulo Tronix and Photoline will take 30min-1hr daw to warm/fix their machines. So better make sure instead na nakaprep na lahat.
Back at Reli ng 11am, mabilis lang! About 10-20 minutes.

Here are some notes on the documents we submitted:
1. Passport – Ours are renewed in 2016, completely blank because we have not travelled

2. visa application form – I used both the guide from the Japan embassy website and from Reli. Noticeable difference is how the names are written, so I followed what’s in the Japan embassy site – that is, LASTNAME FirstName MiddleName. With Reli, it’s all capslock

3. ID picture – we sbumitted 2×2 (and not 4.5cm x 4.5 cm). I didn’t paste it on the form yet, just wrote name and birth date at the back. I didn’t even see the Reli staff paste it on the form

4. Birth certificate from NSO – I tried to include the receipt from NSO, but the Reli staff returned it to me. NSO copy was blurred, so I also submitted a clear photocopy of a clearer original

5. Marriage certificate from NSO – the Reli staff only took 1 copy for both my husband and me, because she said it will be submitted together

6. Daily Schedule of Stay – I’ve spent literally months on researching and planning our trip and have an excel file, so this was a piece of cake. The itineraries are real and what we will really follow. The hotel is just tentative for intended accommodation.
I followed the guide and wanted to submit 2 copies: one has “Name of Husband and 1 other”, and one “Name of Wife and 1 other”. I was concerned when the Reli staff only took one. Turns out, paranoia was all for nothing.

7. bank certificate – we submitted 2, each on our own names, both have xxx,xxx amount. I tried to include the receipt for it, but Reli staff returned it to me

8. ITR – we submitted photocopies only

9. Certificate of Employment from the company/employer – I think this was helpful. It shows our employment start date and compensation

Good luck! :)


Hi Yoshke! After our Nov 2017 trip, we realized why you guys keep going back to Japan. Sobrang WOW, as in. Himeji was the highlight of our trip. So, babalik kami sa May (so soon) haha c/o Jetstar seat sale. Hoping ma-grant ng multiple visa hihi.

By the way, I messaged you guys dati sa fb kasi I was concerned na 2 visa nakadikit sa passport namin that time, yung isa may stamp na void. Hindi naman kami nagkaproblema about it.


When you applied for your Japan visa, was it the first time for you to travel abroad? If not, how many countries have you been to before Japan? I’ve heard it’s difficult to get approved for first time travellers. I have ITR for the past 5 years, I have a stable job and sufficient bank savings but it’s my first time to leave the country, will that be a cause of a visa application denied?




[…] more detailed information, check this well-written blogย post. You can also check thisย websiteย for some helpful […]

ivan borgonos

how can you consider a passport “broken” i want to show my passport to you i’ve went to DFA this morning but they said i need to call their hotline. which i did prior in going to DFA.


Hi, Ivan. I’m replying on this year as I had the same situation wherein my newly renewed passport had water marks due to a typhoon. I first called the DFA hotline. I was told that if I was able to use my passport to other countries despite its situation, there is a probability that I can still use it for more stricter countries like Thailand, Europe or USA. However, they recommended in going to any DFA offices to personally present my passport for further assessment. Thus, I visited Ali Mall DFA, and I was informed by their Customer Service that my passport is already considered mutilated regardless if I was able to use it in traveling to Vietnam. So, I was skeptical at first, but I decided to proceed in renewing my passport again, but it was tagged as mutilated/new passport application. I had to submit additional documents such us explanation why it got mutilated and it needs to be authenticated. Then I had to pay 350 on top of the renewal fee as a penalty even if I didn’t intentionally soaked my passport in the water. I was told there is 15 days “cleansing” (their term) period, but I was able to get my 10-year passport for just 14 days. Also, the mutilated passport needs to be surrendered and will no longer be provided back to you. Since I learned my lesson, I will ensure to keep my passport in a much safer vicinity to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Joanna Morente

Hi. We already booked a flight to Japan for August. I will be submitting requirements for Italian visa this month, and Im thinking if I can already apply for Japan visa to maximize the validity of my documents. Thank you!


Hi Yoshke,

I submitted all my requirements last saturday with my fam.. Some of our documents are not in A4 size. Would that matter? I read on the Japan Embassy website that documents must be submitted on A4. I worry about it. Also, My husband’s application form has 1 erasure, he use a line as instructed by agency.. I hope we won’t have a problem!

Hoping for your feedback!


Hi Dom! May I know if your husband’s application got approved?


Hi Yoshke, does the erasure and document size matter? Please help, thank you


Hi! My best friend from London invited me to go to Japan with him and he will shoulder all expenses. I dont have a bank account or ITR and im still a student. Will it e possible for me to still apply for a visa? Will they allow a friend to shoulder all your expense? Becasue ive read in their website that a relative can shoulder your expenses but they didnt say anything about a friend shouldering your expenses. Thanks!

Sue Ann

hi, would like to ask if the certificate of employment must also be issued in the past 3 months as well?
thank you


Hi. You mentioned that passports should have 6-months validity. Is it 6 months upon the visa application or the date of the trip? So if my passport expires in July and my trip is on May, but I apply for a visa this month, will it be fine?


Hi Yoshke. Great post, thank you for this. I would like to ask this. This is my first time to travel overseas and I’m planning to travel to Japan this November 24. Like you said I need to include the date of arrival to my number of stays. I’m planning to stay for 15 days. Does this mean I need to get back to the Philippines on December 8 or can I extend my stay until December 9 since that will be my return flight?

Also, may I ask if I should return to the Philippines after my Japan visa expired or can I travel to another country? I’m planning to go to Taiwan next after Japan. Sorry for the long questions, I hope you can enlighten some of my confusions. Thank you so much for reading. Will await for your further correspondence.


Hi Mr. Yoshke,

Good day! Thank you for posting this informative article. I’ve been reviewing your blogs for almost a year. I’m a Filipino who was born and raised in the Philippines. I’m planning to visit Japan on April 2 for 15 days. This is going to be my first time to apply. I work as a Virtual Assistant, Freelancer as of the moment. I have a Japanese friend living in Japan who will serve as my guarantor for this trip.

I saw on the list of requirements that “Submission of supporting documents not listed above is encouraged (e.g. applicantโ€™s economic or social ties with the Philippines, urgent reasons for visit: medical certificate, wedding invitation).” I learned from reading many blogs that others had submitted documents such as ITR, COE, Company ID, Leave of absence, and other proof that they have a strong indication to come back to the Philippines. Normally, those who I notice that submit those documents apply for a tourist visa without a guarantor.

Unfortunately, in my case, I don’t have such documents to show any proof. I have a been working as freelancer online, and my two bosses are based in the US. I can ask a boss of mine who is currently in Dubai to send to me a document proving that I work for her, although it might take a long time to wait for the documents to arrive here (I don’t know if a digital signature would be accepted by the Embassy that’s why it must be hand-written). Do you think that I really need to submit those documents or not? I’m wondering how can I address this matter.

Thank you very much. Looking forward to your response. :)


Hi! I and two of my friends are going to visit Japan for 6 days, I only have 75k bank balance, do I have a chance of being granted a visa? I have a pretty stable job and my investments are in bonds and stocks. I am to submit a COE and an approved leave of absence.
Would really appreciate some tips from you! Thanks in advance..


Hello Sir Yoske,
Your blog is very helpful and the comments too! I am planning to go there by Golden Week with my son, and Im 25weeks pregnant as well at that time. I am not married yet and the dad is in Japan na i-vivisit namen (heโ€™s on 1-year training by their company) questions po:
1. I have COE, ITR, Bank cert (which i think is enough to cover me and my son in 12days – xxx,xxx) with me – do i need to send guarantee letter? Or inivitation letter lang?
2. Would the immigration folks (sa airport) question my profile kasi mag tour ako with 1.5 year old son then pregnant?. This worries me a lot..

Hope to hear from you soon sir!. Godbless and more power!.


Thank you so much for your quick response :) Appreciate it!.


Thank you so much for your quick response :) Appreciate it!. More power!.


hi, I want to apply for a Japan Visa, I don’t have an ITR since I’m a housewife. How can I apply? Thanks


Hi everyone, Do you have and idea if the Japanese Visa is still valid with Maiden Name, then nag change ka na ng Married name (kaka renew lang ng passport) Valid pa ba ang Visa? i hope someone could enlighten me.

Sarah Yap Mercado

Hi! My husband has just been to Osaka last week for an academic conference. He was given multiple visa entry. We are planning to go there by the end of this year together with our 5 year old son. He was sending messages to the travel agency that processed his visa application regarding the visa requirement for me and my son as we are his dependents but he hasn’t received any response from them yet. Would you happen to know the requirements for us? Thanks in advance.


Hi, gud pm..mgask lng aq, pg senior mgaaply ng japan visa at housewife lng xa tas aq sna mggarantor s knya ppunta nya dun pro dto nq nktira at ngwowork s taiwan, either uuwi aq ng pinas tas sbay kming pupunta ng japan or hiwalay kmi ng departure tas s japan mgkikita, nid p b nyang mgpsa ng garantor letter pra ipasa s travel agency? tas nid p b nya ng show money? kc housewife lng xa kya no ITR or COE..tia..


Hi Sir, I have a question. Medyo paranoid na kasi ako coz its been 1 week since me and my spouse applied for tourist visa (no guarantor). Do we need to have an inidividual copy of marriage certificate on both of our applications? 1 for him and 1 for me? We submitted the application at the same time and hindi naman ako hiningan ng 2 copies of marriage certificate sa Reli. I only realized today that I just submitted 1 copy and it’s making me paranoid :( Hope you can answer my question. Thank you

Faith joy

Hello yoshke! Ask kulang sna kung ang 5 year old ba need dn ng visa kung yung mother nya e mero na. Slaamt


Hello Sir Yoshi sorry to interrupt. I am planning apply for visa this comming March, my question is, do I need to make a photocopy of my passbook including the bank certificate?


hi! ask ko lang po ano yung best explanation bakit di makapag provide ng Shotoku Shomeisho yung guarantor ko, di po kse nabayaran ng 1st company yung tax nya and kasama po sya sa tax ng asawa nya which is baka asawa nya hanapan ng Shotoko shomeisho hindi magprovide asawa nya kse separated na po sila. yan na lang po talaga last requirement na hinahanap sakin para ma process na yung visa ko. thanks po.


pinapagawan na lang po kami ng explanation letter.


If my trip is on Oct 19-28, and my passport expires on Mar 25 of next year, is it invalid? I thought it should only be valid for 3 months. I’m confused now. TT_TT


is it allowed to change the date of visit to japan specified on your submitted itinerary as long as it is within 3months from date of issue of the visa?


I have a question po. I am a US resident for almost 4 yrs now. My boyfriend And I were planning to visit japan in october. He is a filipino citizen. I am planning to be his garantor. He is also currently working but just started work in may. Is that a good idea? Or suggestions. Thank you.


I’ve applied for visa ldays ago, but I did not fill up the not applicable information. For examplen other names, date or previous stay in japan, former or other natianalities, current profession. I felt all of these blank as there was nothing to write.
Do you think they can deny me visa because of this?
Please help!!!


What if your visa got approved on June 20, 2018, stated on your itinerary is August 19 – 25, but you have decided to go 5 days earlier or 5 days later. Is it still ok as long as within 3 months from date approved? please answer ASAP. thanks.


What if Im late registered in birthcertificate? Do i really need to submit my original baptismal certificate? Or kahit photocopy lang? Kase wala na akong original nun if ever na ibigay ko sa agency yon


Hi I’m an OFW before for 4 years and just went home for good last August 2017. Currently, I’m a fulltime mother to my 6 year old daughter and with my live in partner. We are planning to go to Japan in January 2019. Will we be considered as family? I don’t have a job now only my live in partner has. Does it mean we will be submitting documents with him as our guarantor right? Do you have a sample Guarantee letter? My cousin will be flying with us and she is a first time traveller without work. So my live in partner will also be her guarantor if ever or does she needs to find other guarantor? Your insights about this will be of great help, Thanks!


Hi! How true is the news that the visa for Filipinos travelling to Japan has been eased?


Saan at anong agency po pinuntahan mo? Thanks


Hi! I’m planning on taking a trip to Sapporo, Hokkaido. On the application form, should I indicate my intended flight going to Tokyo from Manila and also going to Sapporo from Tokyo or should I just include the flight number of the flight to Tokyo from Manila? Only one airline has a direct flight from Manila to Sapporo and it’s pretty expensive, so I am opting for a connecting flight. Thanks!

Janran Castillo

Hi, the poortraveler! I have been reading your blogs lately, I just want to ask my chances of getting a Japanese Tourist Visa, I only have 3X,XXX on my bank account. I have a stable job, I work in the Government. I will only be staying in Japan for 4 days. Will it be enough? Hoping for your response. Thank you!


I would like to know Po If is it okay to submit 2 Bank account Certificates? I just opened a joint dollar account last July 23,2018. And we will be travelling to Japan on October 2018. I have also my peso account which has already 50k but was last updated on May due to opening of my dollar account. In my dollar account I have also 50k.


Hi Yoshke, just for clarrification, only Bank Certificate is required right? No more Bank Statement?


Hi Yoshke!
I just want to share my experience on Japan Visa.
This site is very helpful to us and I am very grateful.
Applied Visa Last July 17, 2018 at Attic Tours and got Approved!!

So here is our status:
I will be travelling with my mom and aunt
I have a travel history in Hong Kong last September 2011 pa whereas my mom had a travel history in HK and Singapore. But the thing is nawala yung passport niya so parang first out of the country yung kaniya. Parehas kami walang stable job( being a fresh graduate and a housewife) kaya nagpaguarantee kami sa dad ko who owns a business. Siyempre napakaparanoid ko kasi nga last 2011 pa out of the country ko and nawala pa old passport ng mom ko but naapproved padin kami. Patunay na lenient na talaga at relaxed ang Japan Visa ngayon. Kaya wag kayo matakot as long as complete papers kayo


Hi! We’re going to Tokyo and Osaka. I already read your guide since last year pa hehehe. I really want to go to Tottori talaga because I am an avid fan of Detective Conan. Sana next year hehehe


My friend and I were planning to go to Japan next year January 2019, When can we apply japan visa? Can we apply visa already even if its still 5 months from our trip?


Hello! What do you suggest that we submit as proof of relationship if my sponsor is my boyfriend? Photos po ba?

Thank you in advance po sa pagsagot.

Mary Ann

How to get ITR if I’m working abroad?


HI! Your post is really helpful. I am planning to apply for a visa this year, but I am new to my current job. The ITR that I currently have is from my previous company. Is that OK? Thanks.

Alex DC.